Рапунцель На холме в сельской местности рос лес. Возле леса стоял домик. Это был небольшой каменный домик, немного обветшалый на
Рапунцель | Логово драконов

Рапунцель На холме в сельской местности рос лес. Возле леса стоял домик. Это был небольшой каменный домик, немного обветшалый на
Gingerbread Man Run, run, run as fast as you can. You’ll never catch me, I’m the gingerbread man. I ran
The Little Mermaid Once upon a time, deep down under the sea, lived a little mermaid. She lived with her
The Princess And The Pea In a land far far away there was a glorious kingdom. In the kingdom stood
The Three Billy Goats Gruff Upon a hillside lived three billy goats. There was a little billy goat, a medium
The Three Little Pigs Down in the valley was a farm. On the farm there was a pigsty. And in
The Ugly Duckling Once upon a time a Mama Duck sat on her nest. “These eggs are taking a
King Midas In Ancient Greece lived a king called Midas. He loved his daughter but he was obsessed with gold.
Goldilocks And The Three Bears Beside a great forest was a meadow. In the meadow was a cottage. And in
Beauty And The Beast Once upon a time a merchant came back from a long journey. It was dark and